Pete Finnigan's SQL Server Security Blog

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September 2005

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Home » Archives » September 2005 » Welcome to my SQL Server Security blog

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09/29/2005: "Welcome to my SQL Server Security blog"

Welcome to my new SQL Server security blog. I can admit that I am not an expert on SQL Server security. I do know a lot about Oracle Security which has been my area of specialisation for some time now. I have been looking at other databases, particularly for security reasons for a while now and have decided that it is time to explore SQL Server security more seriously. I have created a SQL Server Security site some time ago. It’s a bit of a shell at present but that will change over time. I plan to do a similar job as I have done with my Oracle Security site. I plan to annotate papers and list them, find all the free and commercial security tools for SQL Server that I can and also find news and views around the subject. There will also be links and books and presentations, basically anything I can find about the subject. I have just set up this blog so bear with me. If you know my Oracle security blog then I hope you will appreciate the style I am aiming for.

I have a backlog of a few things to write about so lets get started with the next post. Thanks and welcome.

Pete Finnigan